Tuesday, September 5, 2023

'The Thousand faces of Night'

 Happy Teacher's Day!

This Blog is prepared as a Participation in Virtual Teacher's Day, 2023. I have hyperlinked my YouTube Video, Ted Ed lesson and an Online Quiz based on the lesson in this blog as a part of Virtual Teacher's Day.

here is my Video Lesson on YouTube about the topic 'The Thousand Faces of Night' - A novel written by Githa Hariharan in which she has interwoven many Myths from Indian Mythology and connected them with her characters of the novel.

Presentation (Click here to visit the Presentation on SlideShare)

The novel follows Story within a story narrative technique, where three main female characters have faced struggle about their Existence.

A lesson published on the Ted Ed platform (Click here)

Quiz  (Click here to appear in the quiz and get E-Certificate)

Thank you!

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